Celebrating Spring by Swapping Seeds

Neighbors look through the many seed packets contributed to the event.

On March 27th we held a Seed Swap at the Meadowlark Park Pavilion. About twenty people came by throughout the afternoon to share and take home seeds for the upcoming planting season. Just as important, it was a rare public gathering that gave us all a much needed chance to catch up with familiar faces and meet new neighbors.

Thankfully, the cases in COVID-19 were low enough that the state of Colorado lifted their group gathering limits just days before the event. We all wore masks, socially distanced and had hand sanitizer available to keep the gathering safe.

The number of seeds people contributed was generous. Some even dropped them off with our group ahead of time knowing they wouldn’t be able to make it to the event.

It was fun looking through all the different plants represented at the event – there really was a seed for just about any garden. The seeds were great conversation starters too. You could overhear people sharing stories of what they’ve grown before, people’s favorite foods to eat and what local CSAs and farms are out there to support.

We still have a good deal of seeds available, so as you are planning your garden, please reach out if there are any you need.